Here are few Important things one should care before doing a corporate industrial shoot. Lots of manufacturing units in gurgaon, manesar, bhiwadi, faridabad, noida got benefited with the help of this checklist. These important points should be noted by hr manager or admin manager of the organization.
1.) Front and back side of the facility-plant-factory should be neat and clean . There should not be any kind of visible garbage. Parking of cars, cycles, motorbikes should be done with symmetry in mind.
2.) Logos , facade and in-lit billboards should be functional as per the company marketing guidelines. Sometimes it happens one letter missing or the billboard bulb is fuse. This should never happen.
3.) Roof top should be clean. If cleaning not possible , at least removal of garbage like bags, bricks, iron bars etc should be done.
4.) Dress code should be followed as per company policy on the day of shoot. PPE should be visible at important sites of safety.
5.) Department wise name tags should be visible inside the facility. eg. assembly line, dispatch, raw material , testing etc
6.) Overall plant should carry descent paint job. It should be visible on inside walls and floors
7.) Heavy expensive machines should be properly clean from both outside and inside.
8.) Awards, certificates and products should be properly showcased at one or two places.
9.) Entire staff should be informed about the shoot. Also it should be made clear to them that they don’t have to look at camera during the shoot.
Let us provide the crew and equipment and editing support for your corporate or commercial video production. Serving the gurgaon and manesar area for the past 11 years.
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