You are one of the company owner , company director or company marketing head in gurugram city, and you are planning to make a new corporate film for your company in gurgaon.
A modern corporate video or corporate film can have the following key ingredients .
1.) script , storyboard
2.) shooting day content
3.) Old office media from office employees
4.) voiceover
5.) graphics & animation
6.) online stock pictures and stock videos
Now when we talk about point number 3, at most of the organizations they fail to provide quality pictures to the editing table. Here are the challenges video production house faces while taking old media from the company people
a.) Date is not organized properly
b.) Poor quality or low resolution content.
c.) Shot from an average mobile that has foggy lens
d.) bad framing or mobile is in vertical mode
To overcome these challenges and to deliver a good final corporate video or testimonial video to the customer, we highly recommend that the company should purchase on digital simple point and shoot camera inhouse. This camera can record good quality content of the internal office events and same can be maintained in data bank.
This quality content can then be given to the video production agency at a later stage when need arises for corporate video or testimonial film.
Videography & Photography.
CALL NOW 7042111335
We manage production, post production and delivery so you don’t have to. Contact us today. Local, friendly and experienced videographers that create strategic content